Saturday, November 3, 2007

Join the Revolution!



Chrispy said...

"Revolution," huh?

Good luck.

There are four types of people in the world:

1. The (very small) group that has already come to this philosophical position independently through the process of thinking about it (and thus intellectually transcending the millions of years of biologically-ingrained, bloodthirstily-urgent behavior ensuring the determination to procreate, not something that happens easily or naturally);

2. The group who believes (perhaps correctly, though proof is elusive) that physical existence is part of some sort of higher spiritual/supernatural purpose;

3. The group with no such belief, but who has deluded itself in one way or another into believing that life is worth living for its own sake;

4. The group who would say, "WHA? MAH KID'S FUCKIN' GREAT. AH'M GONNA HAVE ANOTHER TWO!" and then have a beer and go snowboarding with their bros.

You will never successfully proselytize to the latter three groups, and the first is already on the same page.

Johnny. said...

Hey. Why not work on distributing birth control to, say, teenagers? Anyone, for that matter, but teen pregnancy usually means the mother will not continue her education, and there's a strong correlation with education and having fewer children. Not only that, but a better-educated population and empowering people to remove themselves from cyclical poverty (teen parents giving birth to teen parents, as I've personally seen become the case time and time again) will improve the population's condition and, again, lower the birth rate.

Lobby for legitimate sex-education. Christopher is right, (and I rarely agree with breaking the population down into such categories but I'd say this is fairly accurate) this will never go anywhere simply by talking at people about it. They'll put up walls, interpret it as a cult instead of a legitimate idea. Act, don't speak! Nobody cares about what you're saying until you're doing something.